Shipping and Tracking

What shipping carriers do you use?

We ship all items by UPS/FedEx/DHL International Express to customers.
Note: UPS/FedEx/DHL does not deliver on weekends or national holidays.

Can you deliver to a PO Box?

We DO NOT deliver to APO/FPO or PO Boxes.

How long will it take to get my order?

It depends on where you are. Once you place an order, we will arrange to ship out the according products in 2-4 business days. It usually takes about 8-10 business days to arrive. A few orders may arrive in more than 14 business days. Delivery details will be provided in your confirmation email.

Where are your products ship from?

We have warehouse in various states: CA, TX, GA and NJ, and we will choose the most appropriate one to send goods to you according to the inventory and your location.

Currently most orders will arrive in 8 - 10 business days. A few orders may arrive in more than 10 business days.

How Much Does Shipping Cost?

Shipping is free of charge to the United States.

How can I track my order?

You can go to your account and track your package. We will also send tracking info to your email. You can also contact customer service sxm01@enyopro.com to confirm your tacking info

I can't receive order confirmation and tracking info in my email.

The order confirmation and tracking info will be sent to your email. Be sure you enter the right contact email in the checkout page. You can also contact us to check your tracking info.

I only receive part of my order.

For furniture set such as sectional sofa, patio dining set, your order may come in multiple packages. The packages sometimes are shipped from different warehouses. The delivery time of the packages may be different. Contact us at sxm01@enyopro.com with your order id, we will check the order details for you.


What payment methods do you accept?

Accepted Payment Methods:

Credit/Debit Cards (MasterCard, Visa, and Discover)


How can I apply a coupon?

Add the products to your cart, then click the "checkout" button on the cart page. On the next checkout page, you will see a box to apply the coupon code. Manually type the coupon code and click “Apply.” 

Note: Each order can only apply one coupon code


Contact Us

We believe in delivering excellent customer service and we are dedicated to satisfying our customers. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, feel free to contact us!

For returns and exchanges, please contact us at sxm01@enyopro.com to confirm the return address.

Mail: sxm01@enyopro.com

8 warehouses of our numerous warehouses: 

2. 11833 Cutten Rd,Suite 100 Houston, TX, 77066
3. 4600 E Wall St, Ontario, CA, 91761
4. 35 E Park Dr, Westampton, NJ 08060
5. C/O 18501 Arenth Ave,City of Industry, CA 91748
6. C/O 2125 Gateway Blvd, Hebron, KY 41048
7. C/O 300 W Airtex Blvd, Suite 200,Houston, TX 77090

8. C/O 381 S Brea Canyon Road,Walnut,CA 91789

Call us: (719) 6269480

Contact time: 9 am to 6.30 pm on weekdays